Will it hurt?
Will it hurt?
The most commonly asked question for new wax-a-holics, but an easy one to answer. Yes it will hurt, but it will always depend on quite a few perameters. Pulling any hair out from the root hurts, but there are factors that will contribute to some and not to others. Pain tolerance is the first and prepping is the second.
The first wax is always the most painful because our hairs grow in three cycles. The growth stage, resting stage, and fall out stage. Not all of our hairs are on the same cycle, therefor when we get waxed for the very first time, we have the most hairs overlapping stages. Hence, more hairs to come out. The second wax is much easier as only the hairs that are about to start their growth phase will be present.
Waxing when the hairs are too short can also cause more pain than necessary. Be sure to give them a solid lead before waxing them off.
Can I limit the pain?
Yes, by avoiding alcohol and caffeine 24 hours before your service, taking an over the counter pain reliever, and avoiding waxing while on your cycle (for women). You can ice it for 10-15 minutes right before, but you’ll have to bring your own ice. Be sure to read the Do’s and Don’ts of waxing so that you are fully prepared.